Patient Success Stories
Katherine Bradley
Age: 58
Pounds Lost: 133
The cardiologist told Katherine that if she didn’t lose weight soon, she would likely not live past 60. Being 57 years old at the time, her eyes were opened and she started her weight loss journey shortly thereafter. Now, she is able to cross her legs, sit in chairs with arms, and walk up stairs instead of looking for an elevator. And finally, after 35 years of marriage, she can outwalk her husband! She says the year after surgery was filled with ups and downs, but the journey for her has been fruitful because she now has a new lease on life.

Jody Enfinger
Age: 54
Pounds Lost: 185
Being overweight and miserable caused Jody to not be able to do the things he enjoyed, like hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities. When he first began his journey in July 2020, he weighed 405 pounds. Now, he has surpassed his initial weight loss goal of 250 pounds and is down to 220 pounds! In addition to enjoying outdoor activities again, he says it is fun to see friends who don’t recognize him since his weight loss. According to Jody, weight loss surgery gave him his life back and he feels good every day!

Christopher Forsey
Age: 35
Pounds Lost: 172
Before surgery, Christopher felt like he was running out of time and needed to take his life back. He began his journey by setting small goals and has been able to reach every goal, including weighing less than he did in high school. He says his mental health is better and he is more confident. He even landed a promotion at this job because he was mentally and physically able to perform at his best. He tells others that it’s normal to be apprehensive, but just know you are worth it!

Pamela Claire Fenn
Age: 25
Pounds Lost: 112
A history of health problems in her family drove Pamela Claire to start thinking of her own health. She was worried those same problems would catch up with her if she did not take control of her health. With her highest BMI being 47.8, her initial goal was to get her BMI below 30. As of March 2022, her BMI was at 26.9! Now, she has developed a passion for fitness, and she can do handstand pushups at her bungee fitness classes and hold a plank for more than 30 seconds. She can wear high heel shoes all day without pain from the extra weight. She says weight loss surgery has made her place a higher value on attributes about herself that go beyond her size, and it has given her a platform to challenge how society views overweight people.

Tameshia Smith
Age: 38
Pounds Lost: 80
Tameshia says weight loss surgery has given her more self esteem, confidence and motivation, along with a new wardrobe and style. She says she loves her new body and her new way of life. She says each day presents something new that affords her with an opportunity to be a better person than yesterday. She is forever grateful for the process, the journey and, most of all, the people she has met and encouraged along the way. She says it has not been easy, but she wouldn’t change anything about it.

Stephanie Cox
Age: 51
Pounds Lost: 130
Stephanie says she is a different person both physically and mentally. She no longer takes diabetes or blood pressure medications and is able to do whatever she wants. She walks without pain, enjoys going to sporting events and can shop for hours. She has gone from a 52-inch waistline down to a 36 and went from a size 24 to a size 10!